Monday, February 9, 2009

7 Months Old

Sawyer is 7 months old today.

I say this every time he gets a month older, but it just seems like yesterday when I gave birth to him! I cant believe how much he has grown!

Sawyer has done alot in the last month. He began eating baby foods a month ago. So far he has tried: Green Beans, Pears, Peas, Peaches, Carrots, Bananas, and Sweet Potatoes (in that order).

His favorite BY FAR are the Peaches. He LOVES Peaches. He gobbles them up so fast!

Sawyer has also made friends with our doggies, Abby and Scout. He watches them play from his high chair in the kitchen. Mealtime is extra fun, because not only does he get to eat yummy food, he gets to watch the doggies! He sqeals and screams at them. We also let Sawyer look at the doggys through the gate that separates the kitchen and the living room (the dogs are gated in the kitchen). Sawyer stands at the gate (with help from Mommy or Daddy of course) and talks to the dogs. They sometimes lick his fingers through the gate and he laughs. When he is bigger, we will let him have more interaction with the doggies, but right now he is still too little. I know he will have alot of fun with them!

I am so in love with my little boy. He has the best smile, that just lights up a room! We are so thankful to have him in our lives!

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