Monday, November 10, 2008

4 Month Old Doctor Visit

Sawyer had his 4 Month Check Up today with Dr. Day. He had to get 4 shots, which was very sad! He screamed and cried! But before he got his shots, he was acting so silly when Dr. Day was doing his check up! He was laughing non-stop at Dr. Day! He must have thought he was really funny! His check up went great. He has gained exactly 3 pounds since he last visit 2 months ago. He is now 12.6 pounds. He is still in the 10th percentile for his weight, meaning out of 100 kids, 90 of them weigh more than him. He has grown exactly 2 inches since his last visit also, putting him at 24 1/2 inches long. He is still in the 30th percentile for his height. Dr. Day said his weight gain and growth are perfect since he stayed exactly in his percentile. He is doing everything right on track! He is now ready to start having some rice cereal along with his normal nursing schedule. The doctor said he could start baby foods now, but since Mommy had many food allergies as a child, we decided that we would wait until his 6 month check up before starting him on those. We will just start the rice cereal for now. I am thankful for having such a healthy and happy baby!

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