Friday, July 17, 2009

A visit to Dr Day

Sawyer visited Dr Day this morning for his one-year check up. Sawyer did very well. He now weighs 21 pounds, which puts him in the 25th percentile for weight. He is now 30 inches long, which puts him in the 55th percentile for height. He is doing perfectly! Sawyer had to get several shots today, and he cried very loudly. But he calmed down soon afterwards. Sawyer was a happy baby and showed off his baby babbling for all of the nurses. But again, when Dr Day came into the room, Sawyer got stonefaced. He would not crack a smile. He just stared at him. After the doctors visit, we made a trip to Babies R Us to buy Sawyer a big-boy carseat. Dr Day said it is time for Sawyer to get a forward facing seat. We got Sawyer a really nice carseat. Mommy wants to know why all the girl car seats are so much prettier than the boy ones? They need to make more stylish seats for boys! We will post pictures of Sawyer in his new carseat very soon!


Kinsey said...

I am totally with you on the boy carseat thing! Why can't there be a cute blue or green design for boys? Total bummer!

Katie said...

Well... I wouldn't worry about the boy/girl car seat thing... if you get a neutral one then you can resuse it. Everything we buy is neutral in case the next kid is a boy! This stuff is expensive! :)