Sawyer took his first big trip this past week to Galveston, Texas. Mommy's dancers were attending Showstoppers MidAmerica Nationals, so Sawyer and Daddy decided to come along for the week! Sawyer had a great time. Here are some pictures from his big trip.

Sawyer on his first night in Galveston, in the hotel room.
He liked having a new place to explore!

Eating dinner in the hotel restaurant on our first night (Tuesday).

Wednesday, we visited the Aquarium at Moody Gardens. There were lots of neat things to see.

Sawyer looking at some penquins!

Sawyer looking at a scary fish/shark

Although he did look at alot of the fish, Sawyer was more into "people watching" rather than "fish watching".

A scary friend swam right up to visit Sawyer.

Sawyer definately saw that one.

Sawyer, Daddy and Mommy at the Aquarium

Brian and Sawyer. They were good buddies on the trip.

Sawyer, Aaron, Cara, Brian, Sarah and Paula in front of the Shark Mouth at the Aquarium

We took Sawyer swimming twice during the trip. Our hotel had a nice pool. Here he is getting ready to swim in the pool.

Daddy and Sawyer under a cool waterfall in the pool

Sawyer really does like the water

Thursday was Sawyers actual birthday. He turned 1 year old! We celebrated by having dinner at the Rainforest Cafe in Galveston.

Sawyer and Taya, one of my Petite Company Dancers

The Petites all love Sawyer. They got him some birthday gifts, it was so sweet!

I dont think Sawyer will have any trouble meeting any pretty girls in his lifetime.

They helped him open his gifts

Alicia and Taya helping Sawyer

Sawyer really liked Taya

Hugging her

More hugs

Sawyer and Mommy at the Rainforest Cafe on his 1st Birthday

They sang Happy Birthday to him. He smiled and liked it.

They brought out an Ice Cream Sundae with a candle. Mommy let Sawyer eat some of the ice cream, he enjoyed it!

Mommy and Sawyer

Sawyer and Sarah

Sawyer and Brian

Saturday we went to the beach for a little while. Here is Daddy and Sawyer on some rocks on the beach in Galveston.

Daddy, Sawyer and Mommy at the beach. Sawyer put his feet in the sand and let the waves rush up and get him wet. He liked it!

Sawyer and Mommy at the beach

It was very humid, but nice.

After the beach, we all went to Joes Crab Shack on Saturday night. Sawyer had a great time and was dancing to the music in his high chair and cracking up everyone at the table. Here he is sucking his thumb?
Sawyer had a great time on his trip! Ill post pictures from the dance competition later today.
It looks like ya'll had so much fun!
He is such a ham! Looks like you guys had a lot of fun!
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